
No more Rick Roll…Ashley Roll!
June 7, 2008, 5:49 pm
Filed under: Ashley Tisdale, Misc, Youtube | Tags: , ,

Ashley Tisdale redid the classic “Never Gonna Give You Up” by Rick Astley. There’s a :52 second clip above. How do you think she did? Original song under the cut…

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Miley Cyrus quits Disney…
June 4, 2008, 9:46 pm
Filed under: Ashley Tisdale, Disney, Miley Cyrus | Tags: , ,

Teen pop sensation Miley Cyrus recently stated that after the next season of Hannah Montana, she’s done with Disney. She wants to persue a more serious acting career and take on more mature roles. How much more mature can you get after her photos? We’ll just have to wait and see.

Until she does officially quit, all you kids don’t have to worry about your favorite show ending. Hannah Montana still has one more season to air before being canceled.

What’s another show that’s now canceled? Cory in the House. Looks like the show won’t be haing any more new seasons after the rest of the new episodes air.

Apparently, Ashley Tisdale also said that she wants to leave Disney and take on more mature roles in the future.

Why is everyone hating on Disney these days!?!?!

xo tc